Today was better.In the morning,I was woke up by three kinds of alarms,a real alarm,my hompa and birds.
There are so many birds around my house.Parrots,unknown birds(having black feather almost vertically
stand on it's head),and black eagle with yellow eyes.When I ate breakfast,milk with cereal,homepa sprinkle
sth on the lawnmand all the birds came to eat.Then,I go to school by homepa's truck(his working car).
I got a little lose when I arrived my school,but smoothly came to class,and went library.Teacher borrow us
her password.I was so happy,b.c the compurwe today have chinese,but ,still,I entered my diary to 無名in English
,b.c teacher ask us just use English only.Soon,we went to theater in Bond to see a drama.There are three plays
,but the second play was a man's monologue.I was busy taking photo,so I heard nothing.^///^The drama is play by students,
but is very differnt from the drama of Taiwan.I think it's a little strange.We did a conversation after break.
I practice with Akira(a japanese)he was nice.We talk a lot about our hometown and country,but I still think his accent
was strange.He say"ㄆㄜ ㄆㄜ˙",which means purple.hahahaha.I.had a big lunch in afternoon.we take picture,and made
"about me"to introduce yourself.Andy(a taiwanese,he is a little bad) don't want to make,but I happyly cut the magzine
,writting down all things about me.After school,homepa and I walk home,I still can't totally understand what he say,bur
we were happy.The dinner was chinese food,friedrice and chicken,beef,maybe fish.Tomorrow maybe Iwill take bus bome,good
luck to me.hahaha,oh!It's too late,already 1.00,good night.
- Aug 01 Wed 2007 13:49
4rd Day